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Perhaps I should start by explaining the title. A lot of the time it feels like there are a million and two thoughts going on in my head, some interesting, others frankly odd. But they are there. And when four plus of them occur at once, it feels like my brain is being made into cotton candy. Writing helps sort out this sticky mess and hence I've started this blog. Calling a blog 'Amwene's cotton candy' seems a bit juvenile for a 20 year old, to be fair. So instead, I decided to call my blog Amwene's Cloud, pun intended.


I am a law student at the University of Bristol, going into my second year. Here I'll write about all sorts of things that I find remotely interesting. Maybe I'll use a couple of Latin words that I have crammed here and there while doing so, because, yes, being a law student is a personality trait and I must show off my limited knowledge of Latin (just kidding :) ). But aside from studying how to save the world, I am Ugandan, love playing tennis and am a bit of a foodie.


This is a place where I'll share some of my most random, riveting and revolutionary (a bit of a stretch maybe? it, went well with the 'r' theme I have going on :) ) thoughts.


Happy reading!



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